General Question about Wowza Amazon ec2 setup/storage

Hello everyone. Thanks for any help and suggestions.

So I have an amazon ec2 instance running with wowza server installed for live streaming audio and audio/video on demand. Everything is running fine…things seem to be going swimmingly as we have been live for a week now.

Everyday we have close to 80 people listen in on the live stream and usually that falls to 20-10 concurrent users listening to archived streams at any given time. We hope to increase this number in time.

We have the live/record app and the vod app that we use for streaming and vod/aod respectively. After the streaming show is done it saves the file to the content folder.

So I was cruising the file system checking out the content folder and thinking that eventually this folder is going to fill up and was curious how people navigate this part of streaming. It definitely feels like the easiest route. I tried briefly to maybe mount an s3 and it just didnt work for me. Does everyone keep files in the content folder and stream from them or do people have a better setup, especially if these shows need to be kept in perpetuity for archival/sear/historical reasons?

Thanks…any info and leads is a big help. Total newbie here and surprised I even made it this for.

Also, it seems i have instantiated an m3.medium instance on amazon which only gives me 4gb of space…So i’ll probably need to start a new instance and transfer everything over. Any knowledge on best ways and practices on how to go about this?



Hi Jason,

We generally do not recommend streaming directly from an S3 bucket, since the streaming quality would not be very good. There are many articles that deal with integrating an S3 bucket with Wowza, however, including moving live recordings over to the S3 bucket and playing the content via a MediaCache implementation.

Please refer to the following articles:

How to use Amazon S3 with a standalone Wowza Media Server and the MediaCache AddOn

How to use Amazon S3 with Wowza Media Server

How to use the FUSE-based file system backed by Amazon S3

How to move recordings from live streams (ModuleMediaWriterFileMover)

How to use IMediaWriterActionNotify to programmatically move and rename recordings of live streams

If you need to resize your EC2 instance, you should be able to do so without migrating to a new server instance.



The application vods3 that comes pre-installed with Amazon AMIs are associated with the Mediacache source amazons3 already. All you really need to do is playback with the URL syntax for mediacache. For example, if you have a bucket named buckets3, and sample.mp4 is located in a folder called videos in this bucket, your HLS URL would be:



Thanks Michelle.

From looking at those docs, I have read them all repeatedly in the past, is mediacache already activated/enabled if I stream via the vods3? Reading the second document seems to leave out any mention of what is needed to be done in the first document.