Is it possible to directly stream to facebook through GoCoder. I read the examples and saw the video, all those examples are asking me to connect with engine and from there transmit to Facebook. That is fine for an individual users but I am developing a facebook application for my company, it will have lot of users and they have to directly live broadcast to facebook.
I am using the code like this, I want to pass that stream_url to GoCoder activity so that it can live stream the video directly to facebook. Is there any way to do it
startButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {<br> public void onClick(View v) {<br> try {<br> GraphRequest request = GraphRequest.newPostRequest(<br> AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken(),<br> "/" + Profile.getCurrentProfile().getId() + "/live_videos",<br> new JSONObject("{\"title\":\"Today's Live Video\",\"description\":\"TV app.\"}"),<br> new GraphRequest.Callback() {<br> @Overridepublic void onCompleted(GraphResponse response) {<br> try {<br> Bundle sendBundle = new Bundle();<br> sendBundle.putString("stream_url", response.getJSONObject().get("stream_url").toString());<br> Intent i = new Intent(MainActivity.this, StreamingActivity.class);<br> i.putExtras(sendBundle);<br> startActivity(i);<br><br> } catch (Exception e) {<br> Log.e("Err", e.toString());<br> }<br> }<br> });<br> request.executeAsync();<br> }catch (Exception e){<br> Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this,e.toString(),Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();<br> }<br> }<br>});