Extract static frame from live stream

Hey folks, do any of you have any idea how I can extract a static video frame from a live, ongoing stream? I have a DVR app setup on a standalone Wowza Streaming Engine server (running on Linux) and we are writing some custom scrips to handle some internal requirements we have for a project.

I can easily use ffmpeg to extract static frames as JPG files from MP4 files that have been saved on the server side, but I cannot do so until the stream ends. It appears that two files are created in /wowza/content called $streamname.MP4.tmp and $streamname.MP4. I cannot extract any frames from either file using traditional methods.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can extract a JPG frame from an ongoing stream on the server side?

Many thanks!

This post helped me solved the issue: Generate thumbnail images

Hey folks, do any of you have any idea how I can extract a static video frame from a live, ongoing stream? I have a DVR app setup on a standalone Wowza Streaming Engine server (running on Linux) and we are writing some custom scrips to handle some internal requirements we have for a project.

I can easily use ffmpeg to extract static frames as JPG files from MP4 files that have been saved on the server side, but I cannot do so until the stream ends. It appears that two files are created in /wowza/content called $streamname.MP4.tmp and $streamname.MP4. I cannot extract any frames from either file using traditional methods.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can extract a JPG frame from an ongoing stream on the server side?

Many thanks!

Thanks for the update and solution. Glad you got this sorted.

