Error loading player / No playable sources found

Hi, using Wowza for live streaming I 've managed to get the HTML part working (Safari, iphone and Ipad working fine seeing the streaming) but not with firefox (Error message : Error loading player / No playable sources found).

Here’s my script, can someone help me to get it work properly on Firefox platform (Flash) and tell me if what I’m doing wrong ?

I’ve noticed that my flash player file in Jwplayer folder is named “jwplayer.flash.swf”, is that the correct name or do I have to rename it, because I’ve only seen a “player.swf” mentioned in all the examples…

jwplayer('mediaplayer').setup({ 'id': 'playerID', 'width': '480', 'height': '270', 'provider': 'rtmp', 'streamer': 'rtmp://myip:1935/live/', 'file': 'myStream', 'modes': [ {type: 'flash', src: '/jwplayer/jwplayer.flash.swf'}, {type: 'html5', config: { 'file': "http://myip/live/myStream/playlist.m3u8", provider: 'video' } } ] }); Thanks very much Daniel


The error message suggest that Firefox can’t find this file:

jwplayer/jwplayer.flash.swf. Which is the player on your web-server.

We do have a tutorial on how to embed JWPlayer onto your website, here,

If this persists however this is a support request that should really be dealt with my JWPlayers support team.


There are two possibilities: 1) Flash is disabled. 2) The site wants a “newer” version of Flash. Flash is by default only enabled on a site-by-site basis (i.e. “Ask to Activate”). You should see a small pop-up next the the address bar saying “do you want to enable Flash content on this website?” or an icon at the left-hand side of the address bar. Check this first. Solution 1: enable flash Solution 4. Check if the website is block