Error # 2032

I started with a brand new install of Wowza Server 3.1.2 and followed all the steps for the RTMP based tutorial Once complete I tested playback via [install-dir]/examples/LiveVideoStreaming/client/live.html and also on an iPad via http://[wowza-address]:1935/live/myStream/playlist.m3u8 and everything worked out great.

Next step was to attempt to use the Wowza Transcoder AddOn. I followed these setup instructions I’m a little new to this streaming thing so the instructions were a bit cryptic. From what I gathered the Transcoder AddOn will not accept RTMP based encoding.

So I reconfigured and followed these instructions for RTSP based encoding Additionally I contacted Digital Rapids tech support and they suggested RTSP encoding as well. I attempted to verfiy playback using the free Flash Media Playback ( using http://[wowza-ip-address]:1935/live/ngrp:myStream_all/manifest.f4m as the source with no luck. Further reading lead me to believe I need to create SMIL for proper playback so I followed these instructions I opted for the Text Editor Method instead of the HTTProvider Method, it appeared to be less complicated to accomplish the same thing.

I attempted to playback [install-dir]/examples/SimpleVideoStreaming/clientOSMF/bin-release/SimpleOSMFPlayer.html and recieved Error # 2032

I also attempted to playback via [install-dir]/examples/LiveVideoStreaming/client/live.html and this time it did not work. I recieved an error mentioning stream not found. So now nothing works.

Below are the logs. Please help!

INFO server comment - Wowza Media Server is started!

INFO application app-start definst live/definst

INFO session connect-pending 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 -

INFO session connect 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 -

INFO stream create - -

INFO stream destroy wowza.sdp -

INFO session disconnect 1775857582 -

INFO session connect-pending 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 -

INFO session connect 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 -

INFO stream create - -

INFO sanjose connect 492205055 -

INFO stream create wowza.smil -

WARN server comment - HTTPStreamerAdapterSanJoseStreamer.getAppInstance: Stream

not found [live/smil:wowza.smil/manifest.f4m]: wowza.smil

WARN server comment - HTTPStreamerAdapterSanJoseStreamer.getAppInstance: Stream

not found [live/smil:wowza.smil/manifest.f4m]: wowza.smil

WARN server comment - HTTPStreamerAdapterSanJoseStreamer.getAppInstance: Stream

not found [live/smil:wowza.smil/manifest.f4m]: wowza.smil

WARN server comment - HTTPStreamerAdapterSanJoseStreamer.getAppInstance: Stream

not found [live/smil:wowza.smil/manifest.f4m]: wowza.smil

INFO stream destroy wowza.smil -

INFO sanjose disconnect 492205055 -

INFO sanjose connect 121636253 -

INFO stream create wowza.smil -

WARN server comment - HTTPStreamerAdapterSanJoseStreamer.getAppInstance: Stream

not found [live/smil:wowza.smil/manifest.f4m]: wowza.smil

WARN server comment - HTTPStreamerAdapterSanJoseStreamer.getAppInstance: Stream

not found [live/smil:wowza.smil/manifest.f4m]: wowza.smil

WARN server comment - HTTPStreamerAdapterSanJoseStreamer.getAppInstance: Stream

not found [live/smil:wowza.smil/manifest.f4m]: wowza.smil

WARN server comment - HTTPStreamerAdapterSanJoseStreamer.getAppInstance: Stream

not found [live/smil:wowza.smil/manifest.f4m]: wowza.smil

INFO stream destroy wowza.smil -

INFO sanjose disconnect 121636253 -

The Wowza Transcoder does support live RTMP stream from encoder like Wirecast.

With Wowza Transcoder use Named Groups, where you were using the ngrp: prefix. That was the right direction. What happens when you playback this URL:



Run Wowza in stand-alone (/bin/startup.bat) mode instead of as a service so you can see log output in the console.

With Transcoder enabled, start publishing the RTMP stream. Looking at the console, you should see a publish event then logging regarding the starting of transcoded streams and the startng of named groups if defined.

Use the default transrate.xml to start.


You probably just need to point JAVA_HOME to your 64bit JDK. Then the Transcoder should work.


That means you are using a developer license. That goes away with subscription license or with Transcoder addon license


Prior to your response, I decided to start over and delete my application.xml and copied a new one from the original and placed under [install-dir]/conf/live

I’m actually using a Digital Rapids encoder instead of Wirecast. I broadcasted an RTSP signal and played back via http://[wowza-address]:1935/live/myStream/playlist.m3u8. There was video but no audio. One thing to note, the video was not always there, it would be intermittent. Not sure what I did to get a successful playback but it was a combination of stopping and starting Wowza and the starting and stopping the broadcast from Digital Rapids.

So I decided to broadcast using RTMP from Digital Rapids. This time when I playbacked using http://[wowza-address]:1935/live/myStream/playlist.m3u8 I was able to recieve video and audio. Will the Wowza Transcoder accept RTMP from Digital Rapids? If so I would like to get this method working since I have audio and video playing back a single stream.

Next I turned on the transcoder on the application.xml transcoder. And attempted to playback via [URL=“http://[wowza-ip-address]:1935/live/ngrp:myStream_all/playlist.m3u8”]http://[wowza-ip-address]:1935/live/ngrp:myStream_all/playlist.m3u8 and nothing plays back. The Wowza log showed:

INFO stream create myStream_all -

WARN server comment - HTTPStreamerCupertinoIndexPlaylist.indexFile[live/_definst

_/ngrp:myStream_all]: MediaList is empty.

I ran Wowza in stand-alone mode with the following results in the console. I’m still unable to playback. One item stands out to me regarding “Transcoder is not available for your platform…” I’m using Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard x64bit. I don’t understand why the log is interpreting my architecture:32

INFO stream create - -

INFO stream publish myStream -

WARN server comment - LiveStreamTranscoder.isTranscoderAvailable: Transcoder is

not available for your platform: platform:win architecture:32

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSanJose.init[live/definst/myStream]:

chunkDurationTarget: 10000

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSanJose.init[live/definst/myStream]:

chunkDurationTolerance: 500

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSanJose.init[live/definst/myStream]:


INFO server comment - MediaStreamMap.getLiveStreamPacketizer: Create live stream

packetizer: sanjosestreamingpacketizer:myStream

INFO server comment - SanJosePacketHandler.startStream[live/definst/myStream]

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSanJose.handlePacket[live/definst/my

Stream]: Video codec: H264

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSanJose.handlePacket[live/definst/my

Stream]: Audio codec: MP3

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerCupertino.init[live/definst/myStream

]: chunkDurationTarget: 10000

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerCupertino.init[live/definst/myStream

]: chunkDurationTolerance: 500

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerCupertino.init[live/definst/myStream

]: audioGroupCount: 3

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerCupertino.init[live/definst/myStream

]: playlistChunkCount:3

INFO server comment - MediaStreamMap.getLiveStreamPacketizer: Create live stream

packetizer: cupertinostreamingpacketizer:myStream

INFO server comment - CupertinoPacketHandler.startStream[live/definst/myStream


INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerCupertino.handlePacket[live/definst/

myStream]: Video codec:H264 isCompatible:true

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerCupertino.handlePacket[live/definst/

myStream]: Audio codec:MP3 isCompatible:true

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerCupertino.handlePacket[live/definst/

myStream][mp4a.40.34]: MP3 Audio

INFO server comment - MediaStreamMap.getLiveStreamPacketizer: Create live stream

packetizer: smoothstreamingpacketizer:myStream

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerCupertino.handlePacket[live/definst/

myStream][avc1.77.32]: H.264 (Video may not be playable on older iPhone and iPod

touch devices where Baseline/Level 3.0 or lower is required) Video info: {H264C

odecConfigInfo: codec:H264, profile:Main, level:3.2, frameSize:1280x720, display

Size:1280x720, frameRate:29.97, PAR:1:1}

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.startStream[live/_defi


INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.handlePacket[live/_def

inst_/myStream]: Fragment durations: [2.0,2.0,2.0]

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.flushPendingVideo: Bit

rate[live/definst/myStream]: 3059095

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.addFragment[live/_defi

nst_/myStream]: Add chunk: type:video id:0 count:60 duration:2002

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.flushPendingAudio: Bit

rate[live/definst/myStream]: 128000

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.addFragment[live/_defi

nst_/myStream]: Add chunk: type:audio id:0 count:84 duration:2016

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.addFragment[live/_defi

nst_/myStream]: Add chunk: type:video id:1 count:60 duration:2002

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.addFragment[live/_defi

nst_/myStream]: Add chunk: type:audio id:1 count:84 duration:2016

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSanJose.endChunkTS[live/definst/mySt

ream]: Add chunk: id:1 a/v/k:418/301/5 duration:10010

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerCupertino.endChunkTS[live/definst/my

Stream]: Add chunk: id:1 mode:TS a/v/k:139/300/5 duration:10010

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.addFragment[live/_defi

nst_/myStream]: Add chunk: type:video id:2 count:60 duration:2002

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.addFragment[live/_defi

nst_/myStream]: Add chunk: type:audio id:2 count:84 duration:2016

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.addFragment[live/_defi

nst_/myStream]: Add chunk: type:video id:3 count:60 duration:2002

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.addFragment[live/_defi

nst_/myStream]: Add chunk: type:audio id:3 count:84 duration:2016

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.addFragment[live/_defi

nst_/myStream]: Add chunk: type:video id:4 count:60 duration:2002

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.addFragment[live/_defi

nst_/myStream]: Add chunk: type:audio id:4 count:84 duration:2016

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.addFragment[live/_defi

nst_/myStream]: Add chunk: type:video id:5 count:60 duration:2002

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.addFragment[live/_defi

nst_/myStream]: Add chunk: type:audio id:5 count:84 duration:2016

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.addFragment[live/_defi

nst_/myStream]: Add chunk: type:video id:6 count:60 duration:2002

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.addFragment[live/_defi

nst_/myStream]: Add chunk: type:audio id:6 count:84 duration:2016

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.addFragment[live/_defi

nst_/myStream]: Add chunk: type:video id:7 count:60 duration:2002

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.addFragment[live/_defi

nst_/myStream]: Add chunk: type:audio id:7 count:84 duration:2016

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerCupertino.endChunkTS[live/definst/my

Stream]: Add chunk: id:2 mode:TS a/v/k:139/300/5 duration:10010

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSanJose.endChunkTS[live/definst/mySt

ream]: Add chunk: id:2 a/v/k:417/301/5 duration:10010

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.addFragment[live/_defi

nst_/myStream]: Add chunk: type:video id:8 count:60 duration:2002

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.addFragment[live/_defi

nst_/myStream]: Add chunk: type:audio id:8 count:84 duration:2016

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.addFragment[live/_defi

nst_/myStream]: Add chunk: type:video id:9 count:60 duration:2002

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.addFragment[live/_defi

nst_/myStream]: Add chunk: type:audio id:9 count:84 duration:2016

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.addFragment[live/_defi

nst_/myStream]: Add chunk: type:video id:10 count:60 duration:2002

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSmoothStreaming.addFragment[live/_defi

nst_/myStream]: Add chunk: type:audio id:10 count:84 duration:2016

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSanJose.endChunkTS[live/definst/mySt

ream]: Add chunk: id:3 a/v/k:417/301/5 duration:10010

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerCupertino.endChunkTS[live/definst/my

Stream]: Add chunk: id:3 mode:TS a/v/k:139/300/5 duration:10010

INFO cupertino connect 1323499473 -

INFO stream create myStream -

INFO stream play myStream -

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerSanJose.endChunkTS[live/definst/mySt

ream]: Add chunk: id:4 a/v/k:417/301/5 duration:10010

INFO server comment - LiveStreamPacketizerCupertino.endChunkTS[live/definst/my

Stream]: Add chunk: id:4 mode:TS a/v/k:139/300/5 duration:10010

INFO cupertino connect 372171550 -

INFO stream create myStream_all -

WARN server comment - HTTPStreamerCupertinoIndexPlaylist.indexFile[live/_definst

_/ngrp:myStream_all]: MediaList is empty.

I had JAVA JRE installed, so I uninstalled and installed JDK and it’s working now. However I see Wowza’s water mark and audible tone repeating every 30 seconds or so.