I cannot get the default embed code to work all I can see is a white image
Is this for the Wowza Player or the basic HTML 5 player? For Wowza Player, we are no longer issuing player license keys as of April 2, 2020.
If you had signed up for Streaming Cloud before then, you would access to the Wowza Player or the HTML 5 player.
As far as white screen, AND if you had a Cloud license before April 2nd, did you try it in our test player page on Cloud where it launches in a page we host? I’m trying to find out if the stream works at all or if it’s just not working when you embed the player in your own page, Make sure that you are not trying to play https video on a http webpage and vice versa, They have to match.
Let me check your account to see if you have a Wowza Player key and if you do, I’ll email it to you. If you’re still getting a white screen with the embed then we’ll need a support ticket to replicate your config and test it here on our end. We’ll get it figured out though for you @Brandon Walker.
Here is the announcement for discontinuing Wowza Player and some FAQ. We are offering other alternatives and will guide you free of charge.