Dear all,
I want to ask about how to get SCTE-35 markers on live streaming application. There is a documentation that we have to build java based code to get that file Monitor MPEG-TS ingestion to process additional data streams (SCTE-35, KLV, etc.) .
import java.util.*;
import com.wowza.wms.amf.*;
import com.wowza.wms.logging.*;
import com.wowza.wms.rtp.model.*;
import com.wowza.wms.transport.mpeg2.*;
import com.wowza.wms.transport.mpeg2.ProgramMapTable.*;
import com.wowza.wms.transport.mpeg2.section.cue.*;
public class RTPDePacketizerMPEGTSMonitorCUE extends RTPDePacketizerMPEGTSNotifyBase
private static final Class<RTPDePacketizerMPEGTSMonitorCUE> CLASS = RTPDePacketizerMPEGTSMonitorCUE.class;
private static final String CLASSNAME = "RTPDePacketizerMPEGTSMonitorCUE";
private IMediaStream stream = null;
private RTPDePacketizerMPEGTS rtDePacketizerMPEGTS = null;
private boolean isTimecodeReady = false;
private RTPTrack rtpTrack = null;
private boolean debugLog = false;
class MPEGTSMonitorCUE implements IMPEG2UserMonitorSectionNotify
public void onMonitorStart()
public void onMonitorStop()
public void onDataSection(int pid, AdaptationField field, MPEG2Section section)
if (section.getTableID() == SpliceInformationTable.SIT_TABLE_ID)
SpliceInformationTable spliceInformationTable = new SpliceInformationTable(section);
if (spliceInformationTable != null)
if (debugLog)
WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).info(CLASSNAME + ".onDataSection: " + spliceInformationTable.toString());
SpliceInformationTableSerializeAMFContext serializeContext = new SpliceInformationTableSerializeAMFContext();
serializeContext.timeReference = rtDePacketizerMPEGTS.getVideoTC();
serializeContext.rtpTrack = rtpTrack;
AMFDataObj amfData = spliceInformationTable.serializeAMF(serializeContext);
if (amfData != null)
stream.sendDirect("onCUE", amfData);
catch(Exception e)
WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).error(CLASSNAME+".onDataSection: ", e);
public void onInit(RTPDePacketizerMPEGTS rtDePacketizerMPEGTS, RTPContext rtpContext, RTPDePacketizerItem rtpDePacketizerItem)
this.debugLog = rtDePacketizerMPEGTS.getProperties().getPropertyBoolean("rtpDePacketizerMPEGTSMonitorKLVDebugLog", this.debugLog);
public void onStartup(RTPDePacketizerMPEGTS rtDePacketizerMPEGTS, RTPTrack rtpTrack)
this.rtDePacketizerMPEGTS = rtDePacketizerMPEGTS;
this.rtpTrack = rtpTrack;
RTPStream rtpStream = rtpTrack.getRTPStream();
if (rtpStream != null) = rtpStream.getStream();
public void onTimecodeReady(RTPDePacketizerMPEGTS rtDePacketizerMPEGTS)
this.isTimecodeReady = true;
public void onPMT(RTPDePacketizerMPEGTS rtDePacketizerMPEGTS, ProgramMapTable newPMT)
boolean SCTE35RegDescFound = false;
ArrayList<Descriptor> regDescriptors = newPMT.programDescriptors.get(Descriptor.DESCRIPTOR_TAG_REGISTRATION);
if (regDescriptors != null && regDescriptors.size() > 0)
for (Descriptor desc : regDescriptors)
SCTE35RegDescFound |= ((RegistrationDescriptor)desc).formatIdentifier == RegistrationDescriptor.REG_IDENTIFICATION_SCTE_SPLICE_FORMAT;
for (StreamInfo s : newPMT.streams.values())
if (SCTE35RegDescFound)
ArrayList<Descriptor> descriptors = null;
if (descriptors == null)
descriptors = s.descriptors.get(Descriptor.DESCRIPTOR_TAG_CUE_IDENTIFIER);
if (descriptors == null)
descriptors = s.descriptors.get(Descriptor.DESCRIPTOR_TAG_STREAM_IDENTIFIER);
if (descriptors != null)
WMSLoggerFactory.getLogger(CLASS).info(CLASSNAME+".onPMT: Hit cue point PID: 0x"+Integer.toHexString(s.PID));
if (!rtDePacketizerMPEGTS.containsPIDMonitorMap(s.PID))
rtDePacketizerMPEGTS.putPIDMonitorMap(s.PID, new MPEGTSMonitorCUE());
The code example above as MPEG-TS listener and PID monitor for processing ad markers and inserting the onCUE AMF data event into the stream with the ad marker data.
The are some question i want to know about
- Where do put that code? do have to compile it become jar file?
- Do i still need to setup Use generic Stream Target API to prepare Apple HLS streams for ad insertion (SCTE-35) because our vendor just need to get the SCTE-35 markers.
- Do i need to put that code on all our wowza server?
note : our topology is camera --> encoder --> transcoder(ffmpeg) + wowza origin --> edge server.