Does my application require edge servers?

I am running Wowza on an EC2 instance (N. Virginia). I have a website that is a streaming platform in which “viewers” can watch live streams by “streamers”.

There will be around 10 incoming RTMP streams from the “streamers” at any given time to the Origin Wowza server (only one I have).

There will be around 10 “viewers” per live stream. So around a total of 100 active outgoing streams on the server throughout the day. (mostly RTMP but also HLS)

All of the “streamers” are in the US. Most (not all) of the “viewers” are also in the US.

My questions are…

  1. In order for my RTMP streams to reach US viewers in a timely manner (under 3s) is one Origin server in the US enough? Or do I need an edge server(s)?
  2. Are there any other recommendations you have as far as scalability goes for my requirements?

Thanks in advance.