We have a Wowza Streaming Engine perpetual license and a player license from
- Are those licenses somehow teamed together?
Meaning that for a Wowza Streaming Engine license the player has to match a specific Wowza Player license
Does the Wowza Streaming Engine server (ours server) checks/validate the player license (I know it is validated online to wowzalicense1-4.wowzamedia.com)?
Considering that the Wowza player license has to be available in the web page code (JavaScript)
What happens is someone is stilling my player license or what can we do to protect it?
I have the same question. I am worried about the license ID plain texeted in the player code.
Ok. This forum is not just dead, but is also infected by spammers…
Should I be worried about the license being stolen from the HTML source code?
Hi Dean,
I don’t think that someone will ever answer this question or any other on this forum.
But, if you have support please submit a ticket here: https://www.wowza.com/support/open-ticket
Our support ended one month ago 
Anyway there seems to be a bug with wowza player on mobile devices