cupertino stream close does not close connection

Hi Wowza People,

When terminating a cupertino stream using IHTTPStreamerSession.shutdown() the stream eventually stops after the client has consumed all buffered data but the connection seems to remain as the browser does not throw any events (error, ended, etc…)

Is there any way to end the stream/session gracefully from the server and get some notification of this in the client?

I am using HTML5 Video on the browser.

Many thanks

There is not a way to do this as far as I know. The device will play out the buffer.


I don’t know any way to push instructions to a iOS device like that. With a Flash RTMP client it is easy, but not with HLS streaming to iOS device. The device sends requests to Wowza, which sends chunks of video and audio to it; there is not a two way communications channel as with RTMP.


I don’t know how to get FMLE to stop trying to reconnect with NetConnection notifications, as in this example

It just keeps trying. You can keep rejecting of course.


I don’t know any way to push instructions to a iOS device like that. With a Flash RTMP client it is easy, but not with HLS streaming to iOS device. The device sends requests to Wowza, which sends chunks of video and audio to it; there is not a two way communications channel as with RTMP.


Hello Richard, how do you do that in flash rtmp? i’m unable to unpublish a client livestream, as his encoder still tries to reconnect to wowza. im not friendly with wowza ide, is there a simple way to remove/unpublish a stream and dont let the encoder FMLE try to publish it again?



Yes, the completion of the buffer is fine. What I would like is some way to get the client to completely disconnect. If I stop the Wowza server the client resets, but without shutting the server down the client remains as if waiting for the next segment, which It cannot get as the session is now ended.
