Creating a Java screen capture application for Wowza

Hi all,

I’m currently trying to create a Java client for Wowza and I don’t really know where to start.

My “Client” for the moment captures “screenshots” and I would like to send them to my Wowza Module and use them to create a video …

First of all, is this possible with Wowza, (I know it’s possible with Red5, but I’m really knew to Wowza and wanted to be sure).

Has someone done this and wouldn’t mind sharing the code with me.

Any help would be appreciated,



There was a app named JScrap featured on Wowza Showcase, but I don’t know what the status of that project is. There is still a website and it still reports Wowza support:

I don’t know how to advise you to regarding starting from scratch, except to get the Wowza IDE and study the Server-side API which is the documents folder where Wowza installed, or on the Wowza website.

Wowza IDE:

Wowza Documentation:
