We have recently installed a wowza server, which is working, but we could not get the transcoder + player (combination), to work properly, yet).
We need a consultant to help us configure it and fine tune it, so that it will effectively do the following:
Stream Live Video
To configure the Transcoder and Player to:
Stream to PC, Mac, and (for most of) all Mobile Devices, from one single player, to auto-adjust to each client’s resolution and respective bandwidth.
To configure wowza (or by any other means) so that at least some minimal security is in effect to prevent hot-linking to the Live Feed, unless the Live feed is requested from our own website (as the referrer website).
To configure as all of the above, also for VOD
To configure wowza (and show us how to do it) so that wowza will be able to be utilized for it’s capability to serve a pre-role or mid-role and or post-role, video-ad (Not from an “ad server” but a video pre-role or mid-role and or post-role, ads, which resides on our own server)
To advise us at to which player (could be (preferably) jwplayer or any other if it works better), which will work best with the above configuration and to help set up a sample embedded player for us and to show us how we could modify it ourselves in the future, as our future needs may arise.
Our need is immediate, if possible, however you are busy at the moment and can better help us, if we are willing to wait a little, then we are willing to wait.
Budget: We have only a very modest budget but are willing to pay a reasonable price for your services but naturally, we would be searching for the best price we could find for the above.
We are an Orthodox Jewish Non-Profit 501c, educational institution, streaming educational content, Live Event Streaming + VOD - provided to everyone free of charge as free public service.
We are willing to pay for your services:
However if you would consider donating your services, (or in part), your regular fee, would be 100% tax deducible, as a 501c Tax Deductible Contribution.
Thank you very much