I am running Wowza dev version on a Windows Server on AWS. I did not use AWS to set up a Wowza server, I merely set up a windows server on AWS and installed Wowza on it myself.
The server has a public and private ip address since it is on AWS. I cannot reach the Wowza Admin page remotely using the public ip address that AWS gives for the server, but I can reach it using it’s private ip address, so it responds to outside requests from the browser with the private ip address. Under the Wowza Admin home page under connection settings, it tells me to use the same private ip address that AWS gives me, and it tells me to use port 1935.
For the default live event, which is what I am trying to use, I use the name “live” for the application setting, and the name mystream in the wowza gocoder settings. All standard stuff.
For incoming security, I have no authentication required for both rtsp and rtmp
The default live event I’m trying to use, I have all playback types checked.
On AWS inbound security I have 0 - 65535 open for “All UDP”, and I possibly have a redundant custom UDP rule that opens 1935
So i always get “Connection Failed” from the GoCoder. So what have I missed? On the GoCoder, for the host, do I just enter the ip address or do I enter the protocol as well (rtsp)? I believe I tried both and both still failed.