I am currently using wowza version 4.4.1 I am trying to figure out how can I start and stop a stream using the REST API. I know how to do it from the admin panel by going to my app and selecting a stream an selecting connect or going to the streammanager and starting it. I could not find out how to do it on the REST API documentation. I have read in other posts that it is possible to do it by posting to the /streammanager/streamAction endpoint but when doing that I get a 401 for some reason any ideas how could I achieve this using the REST API or another wowza endpoint?
Here is the curl command:
curl -XPOST -digest -u user:password --data “action=startStream&vhostName=defaultVHost&appName=nvcEncoder_transcode/definst&streamName=160607-ch-f99d.stream&mediaCasterType=rtp” http://localhost:8086/streammanager/streamAction
But it is not doing anything
Any thoughts?