Configure minBufferTime in MPEG-DASH Manifest

How does Wowza Streaming Engine determine the value for minBufferTime in the MPEG-DASH manifest? In all my tests so far it appears that this value is hard-coded to 6 seconds. Is this value configurable?

I am trying to reduce end-to-end latency. If my understanding is correct, the size of the buffer at the player is influenced by the value of minBufferTime from the manifest. I have already configured mpegdashChunkDurationTarget=1000 and mpegdashPlaylistChunkCount=3. I have keyframes every 1 second. But end-to-end latency is still closer to 6 seconds.


Hi ivsctx,

I have flagged our Senior Engineer on this. This property is currently hard-coded and cannot be configured. I have submitted this as a feature request to our Backlog for a future release. However, I do not have a timeframe as to when it would become available. Do check in periodically in our Software Updates page to see when this feature is implemented.


Hi ivsctx,

I have flagged our Senior Engineer on this. This property is currently hard-coded and cannot be configured. I have submitted this as a feature request to our Backlog for a future release. However, I do not have a timeframe as to when it would become available. Do check in periodically in our Software Updates page to see when this feature is implemented.


Dear Wowza,

Any news on this perhaps? I’ve just updated to 4.4, latest release and still cannot figure out how to adjust the minimum buffer time for MPEG-DASH? Or would it maybe be possible to override it somehow within the API?

Is there an API for writing custom/adjusting the .mpd manifest files?

Thank you,

Kind regards,


Hello Berry,

It does appear that this option has had some action taken on it, but I can not give a time frame for the release of a configurable value for the minBufferTime element.

Do check in periodically in our Software Updates page to see when this feature is implemented, and feel free to check back in on this thread as well.


Jason Hatchett