I am having a big issue which is taking me a long time to figure out.
I have used WOWZA’s videorecording to record 2 videos.
I am trying to cocatenate them together and the video always does this without any problems but I cannot get the audio in sync with the video.
The current mencoder command I am using is:
#mencoder -oac copy -ovc lavc -srate 11025 -vf scale=320:186,harddup recording1.flv recording2.flv -o together.flv
But i have tried it with additional options ‘-mc 0’ ‘-ofps 25’ and ‘-noskip’.
I have looked through other forum posts and cant find anything which can help.
Has anyone had any experience with using mencoder to concatenate 2 flv files together without losing audio sync?
Also I tried using the ‘copy’ codec instead of encoding it with ‘pcm’. But it requires the ‘-fafmttag’ audio format tag, i have tried ‘0xf0’ and ‘0x08’ as found in http://osflash.org/flv but I think I am missing something with this as clearly I am not a video encoding expert (or even close).
I can send you the results of ‘#mplayer -identify’ with either a recording file or my cocatenated file if it will help analyse where the audio is going wrong.
look forward to any help