Hello, I’m new to Wowza Engine Streaming, the default page of localhost:1935 give us a message like:
“Wowza Streaming Engine 4 . build17882 …”
Can you tell me how I can change this message into something else? I already hear about HTTP Provider but I didn’t understand how I can do that, can someone please explain to me a step per step how I can do that 
Thanks in advance.
Yes, in the /conf/VHost.xml /HostPort /Port “1935,80”, find this HTTProvider:
You can remove it or comment it out, then restart Wowza. Be careful not to malform the xml in anyway, check the startup lines when you restart Wowza to see if everything is good.
You can create your own HTTPProvider. You need the Wowza IDE:
How to extend Wowza Streaming Engine using the Wowza IDE
The included guide has instructions for creating HTTProviders and implementing them in VHost.xml (you’ve seen how to implement already, what you deleted).
Here is an example that shows how to create a page with images and styles:
How to make an HTML page with graphics and scripts using an HTTP Provider