Can't play vod URL affter hasing use Security token V2

Sorry for my bad English.

I using Wowza Stream Engine and I Enable Outgoing security with SecurityToken Version 2.

My Application using C# on server to generate PLay URL

I do Step by step in this article:

These is my Configuration:

Server Root Url:

VOD ApplicationName: vod

Share Secret: aaaa

Query Prefix: imv

FilePath: sample.mp4

Option: Include client IP address in hash generation Is On

Client IP:

And String for hash Generated: vod/sample.mp4?

I Use SHA256 for Encryption.

And this is may Result:[PHP][/PHP]

I try to open this URL in VLC Player. But it not working for me.

Any help, please.

Any help?


The calculated hash you are presenting here does not look like a URL-safe Base64 encoded string.

You should also Base64 encode the hashed string and replace the ‘+’ character with the ‘-’ character and the ‘/’ character with the ‘_’ character.


(Required) The hash generated at the client as a URL-safe Base64-encoded string. URL-safe Base64 encoding replaces the ‘+’ character with the ‘-’ character and the ‘/’ character with the ‘_’ character.

Example: wowzatokenhash=VSNlS5S2Na5KxwwiVLXIcHwC90CF2lHdmCm9v_8Bh0o=

In PHP you can use something similar to this:

$clientIP = null; // provide client IP optionally
// $clientIP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$host = ""; // your ip/host
$url= "http://".$host.":1935/";
$stream = "live/myStream"; // your stream
$start = time();
$validity = 1000; // validity in seconds
$end = time() + $validity;
$secret = "00secret"; // your secret
$tokenName = "wt";
$params = array("{$tokenName}starttime=".$start, "{$tokenName}endtime=".$end, $secret);
        $params[] = $clientIP;
$string4Hashing = $stream."?";
foreach($params as $entry){
        $string4Hashing .= $entry."&";
$string4Hashing = preg_replace("/(\&)$/","", $string4Hashing);
$hash = hash('sha256', $string4Hashing, true); // generate the hash string
echo $string4Hashing;
echo "<br>";
$base64Hash = strtr(base64_encode($hash), '+/', '-_'); // Base64 encode the hashed string
$playbackURL = $url.$stream."/playlist.m3u8?".$tokenName."starttime=".$start.$tokenName."endtime=".$end.$tokenName."hash=".$base64Hash;
echo $base64Hash;
echo "<br>";
echo $playbackURL;
echo "<br>";



If wanted to access files in a sub-folder then be sure to use definst when you construct your URL, for example



The calculated hash you are presenting here does not look like a URL-safe Base64 encoded string.

You should also Base64 encode the hashed string and replace the ‘+’ character with the ‘-’ character and the ‘/’ character with the ‘_’ character.

In PHP you can use something similar to this:

$clientIP = null; // provide client IP optionally
// $clientIP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$host = ""; // your ip/host
$url= "http://".$host.":1935/";
$stream = "live/myStream"; // your stream
$start = time();
$validity = 1000; // validity in seconds
$end = time() + $validity;
$secret = "00secret"; // your secret
$tokenName = "wt";
$params = array("{$tokenName}starttime=".$start, "{$tokenName}endtime=".$end, $secret);
        $params[] = $clientIP;
$string4Hashing = $stream."?";
foreach($params as $entry){
        $string4Hashing .= $entry."&";
$string4Hashing = preg_replace("/(\&)$/","", $string4Hashing);
$hash = hash('sha256', $string4Hashing, true); // generate the hash string
echo $string4Hashing;
echo "<br>";
$base64Hash = strtr(base64_encode($hash), '+/', '-_'); // Base64 encode the hashed string
$playbackURL = $url.$stream."/playlist.m3u8?".$tokenName."starttime=".$start.$tokenName."endtime=".$end.$tokenName."hash=".$base64Hash;
echo $base64Hash;
echo "<br>";
echo $playbackURL;
echo "<br>";


Hi Zoran.

Thanks for your help.

And If I Place my Video In subfolder of Wowza Root Directory. is THe Url generated like above.

FilePath: video_2015-06-20/sample.mp4
