Hello wowza Suport team ,
I was happy to hear that Wowza Streaming Engine 4.2 now supports transcoder-webm for vp8 and opus in preview version.
I could was able to stream H264 video and mp3 audio from Adobe Flash Live Encoder with key frame 4 and fps 4 ( screenshot below ) .
I viewed the stream on dash format on Shaka player I could also see a blob url in video src container in Html5 ( with video but Without Audio ) . I am not able to find and reuse the stream for webrtc purposes. As I see the console terminal I find the following traces ( in figure ) along with access log traces
could you specify how can if I am missing out anything to generate a webrtc supported media stream that can be shared across peers in webrtc peerconnection .
Also is there any way to input a webrtc stream vp8 stream into wowza and get in trans-coded into HLS and RTMP ( also asked here ) ?