I need to use nDvr module,but player of samples is not source code.
Hello there.
I believe the source is available for the Silverlight player in [install-dir]/examples/LiveDVRStreaming/SilverlightPlayer
And the and Flash version is Strobe Media Player, which you should be able to download the source for here
I hope this is the answer you were looking for.
kind regards,
The Flash version is Strobe Media Player, which you should be able to download the source for here
If this is not a satisfactory answer, you can email support@wowza.com with your request. They may have additional information to offer.
Kind regards,
Again, you can email support@wowza.com and submit a request. I am not sure what they will have to say. But worth a try.
Kind regards,
Deat Salvadore:
Thanks your answer!
but I need the source is the FlashHTTP Player in Wowza Streaming Engine 4.1.0\examples\LiveDVRStreaming\FlashHTTPPlayer.
I need ndvr function
Thanks a lot.Happy new year