Cacti not working properly

All of the basic graphs like cpu and hard disk etc. run and load properly. None of the Wowza specific graphs load. I have enabled the local device as the instructions say to do. I have tried adding my own graph.

The logs of full of these errors:

02/08/2011 04:29:04 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] Host[2] DS[23] CMD: /var/www/html/cacti/scripts/ -jmx service:jmx:rmi://publicip:8084/jndi/rmi://publicip:8085/jmxrmi -user admin -password XXXXX getConnectionCounts _defaultVHost_:live/_definst_, output: ERROR: Command not recognized: _defaultVHost_:live/_definst_
02/08/2011 04:29:04 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] Host[2] DS[23] WARNING: Result from CMD not valid. Partial Result: ERROR: Command not r
2/08/2011 04:29:04 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] Host[2] DS[21] CMD: /var/www/html/cacti/scripts/ -jmx service:jmx:rmi://localhost:8084/jndi/rmi://localhost:8085/jmxrmi -user admin -password XXXXX getConnectionCounts _defaultVHost_:vod, output: ERROR: Command not recognized: _defaultVHost_:vod

I have tried running the poller.php command from the command line but get the same errors. Have searched the cacti forums to no avail. Since the regular system checks are working fine seems to be wowza specific

Crontab entry looks like this:

 */1 * * * * wowza php /var/www/html/cacti/poller.php > /dev/null 2>&1

I tried changing user to admin and root. No change there. What am i missing?

Did you assign an ElasticIP ? If so, then restart Wowza.

>service WowzaMediaServer stop
>service WowzaMediaServer start


But have you restarted Wowza since you assigned an ElasticIP? You should do so, then check Cacti graphs.


Was it working? If so, when did it stop, is there anything that might be a relevant factor?

Or is the first time trying to enable Cacti?


Have you applied any patches to that instance? Or other configuration changes that might have broken Cacti?


I would start a new instance, using the latest AMI. Make sure you can get Cacti running, then configure it for your other applications. Hopefully you are using S3 and/or EBS for content, startup package for configuration, and ElasticIP to make starting new AMIs easy. If not, this would be a good time to put those things together.


You can’t boot from ebs with devpay. You have to use AMI. This is Amazon AWS restriction or limitation.

The only way to boot from ebs is with subscription license.


It is all handled by AWS billing. The $5 is once per month regardless of usage or number of instances.


There’s no reason you couldn’t configure the startup package to mount an EBS volume to [wowza-install]/content/mountpoint. That way you can still boot off instance-store but have the benefits of EBS for content.

I see this as a possible answer to others who are having similar problems. My server has been using the same elastic IP for weeks.

Could it have anything to do with the wowza user name being used? I noticed that this username is commonly the owner of all the cacti files. maybe it is a permissions issue?

Yes I have restarted. Several times.

None of the wowza stats have ever worked. This is the first time I am trying to get them to work. On the tree view, if I click on Wowza Media Server I see the top graph, with no values. See attached image. All other graphs do not render.

This was originally installed by someone else, but to my knowledge no.

I think you are right.

When I go to start a new instance, it defaults to using the instance-store as the root device, is there a way around that? I want to use EBS.

We have purchased a license for Wowza EC2. We have a re-curring fee plus instance usage charges that are separate from our AWS billings. Is the subscription license a separate animal?

That is probably what I am going to do.