big log file size

Dear all,

I am facing a problem with the log file. Each day a log file of about 7 GB (it reaches 11 GB sometimes) is created in the logs directory in wowza installation directory.

How can I stop writing everything to the log file and I didn’t add any module to the application.xml of the live?

Here is a sample of the logfile that is writting about 100 line each second (I noticed from the java window that appear when I open wowza startup). it was taken at 2 different times and separated by a line of ************************.

I have another server that I installed the wowza server on it making a ~40 MB logfile each day.

Can u help me understand what module is writing all this data and how to stop it?


You can comment out any or all of the appenders in the /conf/ file.


You had to change the DEBUG option in the /conf/ file and restart.

“log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, stdout, serverAccess, serverError”


“log4j.rootCategory=INFO, stdout, serverAccess, serverError”

Jinmo Kang

See the c-ip field of access log files.

If you want to check in the console, just append the field to ‘c-ip’.


You had to change the DEBUG option in the /conf/ file and restart.

“log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG, stdout, serverAccess, serverError”


“log4j.rootCategory=INFO, stdout, serverAccess, serverError”

Jinmo Kang

Thanks I notice it with second server and change it before you replied but if I want to log the ips that are viewing the stream when the connect, how can I do it? I think it won’t make the logfile so big.

Thanks a lot guys.