Application created in Enginemanager cannot be found with sftp client!


I just created a new application by the engine manager, when I test the player (in the manager) I can see the video.

But If I try accessing the application folder with a sftp client, the applications folder is empty (/usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine/).

So I was wondering where I can put my own videos?

Have a nice week,



When creating an application, you have the option to specify the application’s content folder.

The default content folder is [wowza-install-dir]/content/.

It is described in step 3.c from the How to set up video on demand streaming tutorial article.


Hi David,

Wowza runs as the root user so will create or modify any folders or files as that user. If you are logging in as a different user then that user may not have permissions to access the folders.

I would suggest the following, as root user.

ssh in and cd to the /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine folder.

run the following as root user.

find . -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;

This will set the permissions on the directories so at least you can view & download the files.

You can also fun the following command in the main Wowza install dir to change the owner on everything.

chown -R <your-username>:<your-group-name> *

New files will still be created as the root user but existing files will be owned and modified by you.


Hello Zoran,

Thank you for your answer!

I listed the content of /content/ folder using the command find … and I could see the sample.mp4

but If I try to access it using FileZilla, for example, I have “Empty directory listing”

I used the command ls -a /usr/local/WowzaStreamingEngine-4.0.1 and it clearly shows that "applications, content, legal, transcoder, conf,…"folders have their content hidden.

Any glue on this ?


Thank you Roger, it works as a charm!

Have a nice day,
