I have been using Wowza to interface with RTSP sources. One of the features I have made use of is startup streams and stream files. The stream files have the rtsp information in them, and they’re automatically connected to Wowza when the server boots up.
I am calling the Wowza REST API from another server to set up these files and startup streams, however I now have a need to dynamically modify these stream files and start up streams within our Java code in the Wowza server itself. Specifically if an rtsp source is detected no longer valid, I want to automatically delete it from our server using the Java server API, but I am not able to find an appropriate method to do so.
I was able to find the methods getStartupStreams and addStartupStream on page 2787 of this document: https://www.wowza.com/resources/WowzaStreamingEngine_ServerSideAPI.pdf, but I don’t see a corresponding modify or delete API. https://www.wowza.com/resources/WowzaStreamingEngine_ServerSideAPI.pdf
I was also not able to find any APIs to deal with stream files directly.
Are there any JAVA Server APIs to add/edit/delete the entries in [Wowza install dir]/conf/StartupStreams.xml as well as add/edit/delete the stream files in [Wowza install dir]/content?
Thanks very much,