Inspecting the over-the-wire packets being sent by Wowza, it appears that the issue is that no CEA608/708 packets are being sent in the RTMP onCaptionInfo/AMF0 field (based on Twitch documentation) that the service is looking for. Other posts (e.g. Embedded CEA-608 captions in live streams) have mentioned a ModuleOnTextDataToCEA608 converter that ingests the onTextData events and produces (presumably) onCaptionInfo events, but this doesn’t seem to be available from anywhere? Moreover, there doesn’t seem to be a documented way to generate the CEA-608 bodies sent in the onCaptionInfo fields if I were to inject the AMF manually.
Is there somewhere that I can find/add the ModuleOnTextDataToCEA608 module, or is there a way for me to generate the CEA-608 payload myself?