Step by step instructions for using a MPEG Transport Stream encoder (MPEG-TS) with Wowza Pro (Flash Player version or greater is required).
Send an email message to to obtain a 30-day evaluation license for Wowza Media Server Pro for MPEG-TS
Download and install Wowza Media Server Pro (version: Wowza Pro 1.7.0 or greater) and edit the file [install-dir]/conf/Server.license and enter your 30-day evaluation license
Create a new Wowza Pro application for streaming (may already exist if examples installed)
Create the folder [install-dir]/applications/rtplive
Create the folder [install-dir]/conf/rtplive
Copy the file [install-dir]/conf/Application.xml into this new folder [install-dir]/conf/rtplive
Edit the newly copied Application.xml and make the following changes:
Change Streams/StreamType to rtp-live
Add following properties to Streams/Properties container (there are several containers, be sure to add to correct container)
<Property> <Name>sortPackets</Name> <Value>true</Value> <Type>Boolean</Type> </Property> <Property> <Name>sortBufferSize</Name> <Value>500</Value> <Type>Integer</Type> </Property>
Startup the Wowza Pro server
Configure the encoder to send the stream to the Wowza Pro server’s ip address and a given port number of your choosing (this number is used below as the [port] part of the stream name when you play the stream). It is probably best to choose a port number greater then 10000 as to not conflict with regular RTSP/RTP streaming. If the Wowza Pro server is behind a router that uses NAT (network address translation) send it to the routers external ip address and be sure to map the UDP port to the correct internal ip address. Be sure that the time-to-live value on the encoder is high enough so that the stream is able to reach the server running Wowza Pro (time-to-live explained)
To play the stream, double click [install-dir]/examples/LiveVideoStreaming/client/live.html, set Server to rtmp://[server-ip-address]/rtplive (where [server-ip-address] is the ip address of the server running Wowza Pro) and Stream to udp://[port] (where [port] is the UDP port to which you sent the MPEG-TS stream) and click the Play button.
Windows (default): C:\Program Files\Wowza Media Systems\Wowza Media Server Pro [version]
Mac OS X: /Library/WowzaMediaServerPro
Linux: /usr/local/WowzaMediaServerPro
Note: If a stream name of udp://[port] does not work it might be necessary to use the stream name udp://[server-ip-address]:[port] (where [server-ip-address] is the ip address of the server running Wowza Pro).
Note: If your MPEG-TS stream contains multiple video or audio channels (pids) you can choose which one to play by specifying the pid number as part of the stream name url. For example if your stream has multiple audio channels that use pid id’s 22, 23, 24. You can choose to play pid 23 by using the url:
udp://[port]?audioPID=23 Example: udp://
Note: Many players will not accept stream names that look like urls. You can use the stream name alias package to create an alias for the stream name url. This package can also be used to secure Wowza Pro so that it will only be able to restream urls that you specify. This package can be downloaded from here: StreamNameAlias.
Note: If you experience problems getting either the audio or video to play through Flash, double check the version number of the Flash player (Flash player version or above is required). If you still have problems, turn on Wowza Pro debug logging (edit [install-dir]/conf/ and change the log4j.rootCategory on the first line from INFO to DEBUG), try the encoder several more times, zip up and send your [install-dir]/logs folder along with screen shots of the encoder setup screens and the LiveVideoStreaming player screen and send a detailed description of your problem to