This is a problem with the connection. It is probably not really random.
Are they corporate users? They may be having a problem with rtmp. You can try using rtmpt. You should enable port 80. Change /conf/VHost.xml /HostPort /Port “1935” to “1935,80”, then restart Wowza. Then try:
If you cannot enable port 80, you can use 443, or any port really, even 1935, but if it is anything other than 80 you have add that port:
443 is the best choice actually. Change /conf/VHost.xml /HostPort /Port “1935” to “1935,443” or “1935,80,443”
Then use:
This will also use rtmpt, but it is not the best option to overcome this problem:
You can use a protocol rollover scheme so that clients that can will connect with rtmp and others will try rtmpt:
If you can, it would be a good idea to test this with a user that is having this problem. You can setup a player that uses rtmpt.
And Jake Hilton is hosting a port tester here: