I have following very simple action script 3 code
import flash.net.NetConnection;
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
…when debugging flash I get the following very annoying error:
*** Security Sandbox Violation ***
Connection to rtmp://localhost/test halted - not permitted from file:///C|/wamp/www/SOtest2/SOtest2.swf
– Untrusted local SWFs may not contact the Internet.
SecurityError: Error #2028: Local-with-filesystem SWF file file:///C|/wamp/www/SOtest2/SOtest2.swf cannot access Internet URL rtmp://localhost/SOtest2.
at flash.net::NetConnection/connect()
at SOtest2_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()[SOtest2_fla.MainTimeline::frame1:3]
Cannot display source code at this location.
Other projects doesn´t give me the same error when debugging. I think it possibly started to appear when i upgraded to a new version of flash (11.7.700).
If I publish the project it seems to work normally and I see that I’m connecting to the Wowza server in the server log.
Does anyone of you have an idea what the problem is? How could it be that some files are affected and some are not?