We had a very successful live stream to 150 unique viewers on stagedive.com using the Wowza EC2 AMI instance on Amazon AWS. However we had reports of the stream stopping every 5 seconds for some viewers with the player error of “livestream” not found.
We are confident that some people were able to watch the entire stream without any errors or disconnection. We had a couple of testers verify this. This most likely eliminates live up bandwidth from our local wirecast or any local origin problems. So it seems the feed was getting out fine to Amazon.
The wowza is set up to stream RTMP to flash and repeat for iOS devices. Both were tested and received the feed just fine.
But what happened to the people who got dropped every 5 seconds?
Below is Wowza log from the show that night. Does anyone know where to look for the cause of these errors? The log shows that some people were disconnected and that the streams were stopped. Why? Can anyone tell me how to troubleshoot and find logs to figure out this error.
[HTML]2011-05-13 23:26:16 EDT unpublish stream INFO 200 livestream - defaultVHost live definst 13.521 [any] 1935 rtmp://ec2-204-236-145-126.us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com/live 74.8$
2011-05-13 23:26:16 EDT destroy stream INFO 200 livestream - defaultVHost live definst 13.521 [any] 1935 rtmp://ec2-204-236-145-126.us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com/live$
2011-05-13 23:26:17 EDT disconnect session INFO 200 847375956 - defaultVHost live definst 14.693 [any] 1935 rtmp://ec2-204-236-145-126.us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com/live 74.8$
2011-05-13 23:26:21 EDT connect-pending session INFO 100 - defaultVHost live definst 0.061 [any] 1935 rtmp://ec2-204-236-145-126.us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com/live 74.8$
2011-05-13 23:26:21 EDT connect session INFO 200 - defaultVHost live definst 0.062 [any] 1935 rtmp://ec2-204-236-145-126.us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com/live$
2011-05-13 23:26:21 EDT create stream INFO 200 - - defaultVHost live definst 0.0 [any] 1935 rtmp://ec2-204-236-145-126.us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com/live rtmp$
2011-05-13 23:26:21 EDT publish stream INFO 200 livestream - defaultVHost live definst 0.026 [any] 1935 rtmp://ec2-204-236-145-126.us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com/live$