I’m playing with the webRTC preview and i am very impressed! Now i’m trying to ingest via RTMP and playback with webRTC. I can’t seem to get it working!
Please note that the following works:
- Ingest: WebRTC, play: WebRTC
- Ingest: WebRTC, play: RTMP
- Ingest: WebRTC, play: RTP
I have the same question , please anyone else can answer this question 
J’ai la même question, s’il vous plaît.
In my testing I was able to get WebRTC playback using a RTMP based encoder as the source stream (H.264 video). You’ll need the latest software update which is currently Wowza Streaming Engine Build 20446 and you’ll need to add the rtpForceH264Constraint Property detailed below.
- Path: /Root/Application/RTP
- Name: rtpForceH264Constraint
- Type: Boolean
- Value: true
This has been answered in ticket 234989
Jason Hilton
Wowza Media Systems Support Team
Hi Jason,
Thanks for responding. I finally got the time to perform the changes you suggested.
Unfortunately i couldn’t get it working. The Console returned the following error:
Failed to set remote offer sdp: Session error code: ERROR_CONTENT. Session error description: Failed to set remote video description send parameters.
Could you please advise my next steps?
The following are still working for the same application
- Ingest: WebRTC, play: WebRTC
- Ingest: RTMP, play: RTSP
The WebRTC functionality has seen several updates since version 4.7.0 of the Wowza Streaming Engine software and is now out of preview in version 4.7.7. However, this workflow is not supported.
Jason Hilton
Wowza Media Systems Support Team
Hi, I asked the rtc endpoint support for server side api on webinar, the answer is the same not supported yet. Actually there is a work around exist, it can be done handling webrtc ingest on other sfu that support rtcendpoint and you can take this stream sdp to your wowza with stream file . also there was a module on thewowza.guru , on demand stream caster if I’m not mistaken, you can modify this code and it will let you take the sdp when the stream published your sfu